McMahon Fimiston TSF

The landscape of gold mining in Kalgoorlie-Boulder has evolved with the construction of a new Tailings Storage Facility (TSF) at KCGM’s Fimiston Gold Mine Operations (Fimiston). Nestled adjacent to the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, this expansion project represents a significant stride in gold processing innovation.

Current Disposal Methods: A Shift Towards Sustainability

Presently, the Fimiston Processing Plant manages its tailings through the Fimiston I, Fimiston II, and Kaltails TSFs. However, in a bid to enhance sustainability and capacity, KCGM is steering the construction of a new two-cell TSF adjoining the existing Fimiston II TSF — aptly named the Fimiston II TSF Extension. This expansion is designed to accommodate the growing demands of gold processing and environmental stewardship.

Project Dynamics: Unveiling the Fimiston II TSF Extension

The Fimiston II TSF Extension is not merely an expansion; it’s a strategic investment in the future of gold mining. The two-cell TSF is poised to provide an estimated additional storage capacity of ~94 million tonnes until approximately 2034. This forward-thinking initiative aligns with KCGM’s commitment to responsible mining practises and long-term operational efficiency.

Geotech Australia’s Marching Orders: Precision Testing for Project Success

In March 2023, Geotech Australia proudly joined forces with Macmahon, marking a pivotal role in the Fimiston II TSF Extension. Our commitment to precision testing has been evident through various methodologies employed to ensure project success. Geotech Australia’s role includes:

  • Material Compliance Processing: Rigorous testing of bulk samples for Particle Size Distribution, Liquid & Plasticity Limits, Linear Shrink, and California Bearing Ratio.
  • Dual Base Facilities: Leveraging both the Bunbury and Kalgoorlie Base Facilities for comprehensive material analysis.
  • Onsite Mastery: Our Kalgoorlie team actively supports material and placement practises, offering expertise in compaction control testing using Field Nuclear Density AS1289.5.8.1 and Modified Compaction AS1289.5.2.1.

Connect with Geotech Australia: Shaping Sustainable Mining Futures

For inquiries about our instrumental role in the Fimiston II TSF Extension or to explore our comprehensive testing services, connect with Geotech Australia. Together, we shape the future of gold processing with a commitment to sustainability and precision testing.

Geotech Australia – Precision Testing, Sustainable Mining Excellence.



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